Reviewing God

I’ve lost track of the amount of times that I have reached for my phone to take a photo of some sort of beautiful landscape, only to realize that my camera just can’t capture the essence of the place. You had to be there. I remember one night like this in particular. I was in a beach town in California as the sun was setting, and the whole place was glowing. It was otherworldly. My iPhone couldn’t capture even a sliver of the moment's glory.
A more pronounced version of this experience often occurs with food. There is nothing quite like taking a bite of your favorite dish at your favorite restaurant. It is substantially better than the experience of swiping through photos on Yelp. It’s supposed to be that way. That is why we seek out these experiences.
Reading Reviews of God
Sometimes I wonder if we treat God like Yelp reviews or vacation pictures. We hear a lot about what it’s like to experience him, but instead we’re content to scroll through others’ 5-star reviews. Instead, we need to consume God in a sense. King David picks up on this idea in Psalm 34: