Poem: 'Emergency'
There's so much happening in the world that it can feel a bit overwhelming at times. More and more I find myself just sitting in our living room with the lights off just staring blankly ahead as I try to process the day. This poem was tonight's exercise in processing.

There's so much happening in the world that it can feel a bit overwhelming at times. More and more I find myself just sitting in our living room with the lights off just staring blankly ahead as I try to process the day. This poem was tonight's exercise in processing.
Everything is an emergency
Urgency birthed by complacency
My mind gets twisted and winds down make-believe paths
Oh to be far away in a place where trouble sleeps
Shut up! You selfish, tired soul
The privilege of status quo is heavy and deceptive
And still I stare blankly ahead
Frozen I sprint into the abyss
No matter the drums of hatred
No matter the bitter, weak men who abound
There is no refuge from stupidity and self-preservation
What is the justification for action?
Who decides what gets the clicks?
Controversy pays the bills
Do they really want solutions?
Emerge and see
"Farmer at National Rice Festival taking a rest, Crowley, Louisiana"
Photo by Russell Lee for Farm Security Administration/WP, 1938
A note from Matt:
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