Despite all that is right and good in this world, we carry a nagging itch that even the best stuff in life won't last forever—at least in its current state...
Despite all that is right and good in this world, we carry a nagging sense that even the best stuff in life won't last forever—at least in its current state. We strain and yearn for the unveiled peace of the not-yet, all while embracing the beauty and bruises of life East of Eden. That tension is the subject of this poem.
Beauty mediated under the weight of fracture
Voices rise and fall—finite, uncoated, temporal
Coming glory obscured beneath the dust of skin
Loneliness and shame fills each abandoned well
I peer over the edge only to see a familiar face
At every turn, another reflection, another well
Too tall to hide, too short to see
A destination always just around the corner
Image: I took this photo at Pelican Point in Crystal Cove State Park near Newport Beach, California on 8/31/2019.
A note from Matt:
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